Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Sunday Morning.....

HAH !! SUNDAY!!!!.....it’s 8.30am in the morning….everyone had their own activity…

Hahaha…..finally I have a time for my self and enjoy "the sunday" in Real ...mmmm...and need always realized that ..."what we have is always the best"...what an interesting feeling !!!…

My hubby…mmm…as usual…busy with his motorbike…dia siap-siap buat acara Ulang tahun ke 12 TAB… jadi dia harus pastikan semua terlihat kinclong …hahaha…lap ini-lap itu…gosok sini-gosok itu…pilox ini-pilox itu…wah…sampe sampe knalpot pun di pilok hitam…”biar kelihatan lebih garang!”..katanya..hahaha..ada-ada aja…dasar ucrit!

My “sunshine” …Gerald…busy with his car …he even ..buat track “kagetan”… SMART …dia buat track dari saluran aer yang belum sempet di pasang…and he just give “V” sign without see me…ugh!!

My lovely housekeepers…this is two person who handle every issue at our home…

Mbak ari…she is Gerald’s baby sitter… she is the one who make Gerald can gain the weight …hahaha

And this one is Mbak Erni…she is the person who always make our house look very neat and clean ...

My cats…Bams…chocky…goldy….yoyi…….semuanya bermalas-malasan….cuman Bams aja yang sibuk mandi….yang laen masih pada mimpi….

And..this is my activity…I’m taking their pictures…and just comments about what they have done…hahaha…

Pssttt...I even took my “ terate “ flower picture…. ..Lovely !!!

After I finished cook ...“a corn soup”... for them…I open my old photo album…and try to foto di foto lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…………...hahaha…

Weiy….can you recognize who is this two persons ?.....

this one is …with Robert’s young brother..Stephen……

This is my mom…..beautiful isn’t she ?

I may or may not have some issues in life with one of anyone of the people I have talked about, but those issues mean nothing to me and I am sure never really had just an emotional spur at some point. I hope that our family can be together forever.

I am thankful to all of you who support me (even if it isn't willingy :-P ha ha) and I am glad to be this blessed.


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