Wednesday, September 23, 2009

allhamdulillah +

Allhamdulillah + ....

semoga nanti menjadi anak yang sehat sempurna lahir bathin, pintar, sholeh ....cakep or cantik...amieennn

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

what I'm bussy at today ?

nge handle pekerjaan yang numpuk emang ga gampang...tapi nge-handle ngurusin gerald belajar huruf sambung lebih ga gampang lagi.
Yup we stay at the same room now...and we bussy with our own home office looks more messy...hahaha...aku ngehandle semua e-mail , cake design and parcel , harus di kirim dalam 3 hari kedepan ...Gerald sibuk ngriwil-ngriwil tangannya biar bisa lentur dalam menulis sambung...sambil mata yang berkaca-kaca

I know that's not easy dear...but you should try it...If you think I'm too hard to you's just because I love you and I care about you ......remember This your lovely mama 100% believe that you can do it !!...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'M Twi MOM !!!!

OMG, hoa I can be so addicted ...everything about twilight saga me crazy...xixixi
I even check their wesite everyday...yup everyday !!!....I always want to know the latest update...the movie..the cast...the everything....
and yesterday just want the latest newmoon thriller on VMA's AWESOME.....can't wait till november....ugh ...