Sunday, August 31, 2008

Cantigi G3

Ini acara outing-nya GGG tanggal 27 Agustus 08...we all go to Cantigi...di daerah Cileunyi. Iya nih Agustus lumayan padet buatku...setelah acara ini....mesti pergi ke jakarta...terus yang terakhir acara yang dibandung kemaren.....
Sayang acara ke Cantigi ini engga semua bisa ikut..managerku ....ah padahal ini bagus banget buat kebersamaan...walopun aku tau ada yang lebih penting buat mereka urusin. By the way, here are my team ...

We play the game from..." very clean " game like this

to this...
"Dirty game"...yes very dirty ...iya kotor abis dah. and I lost my fave jeans cause of this game ...udah sobek lututnya...the color also changed and warnanya juga engga balik lagi huk huk huk...sempet engga tega juga harus ngerangkak dilumpur..karena emang engga ada bayangan sama sekali. Akhirnya, demi kekompakan aku relaaaaaaa.....Sempet geli liatin kelakuan semua hahahaha ....Everyone enjoy the moment...ketawaaaaa terus hahahaha

Kita di tumpuk udah kayak kacang didalem tempe hahahaha

Game yang diberikan sama penyelenggara komplit...dari yang di darat...air sampe yang diudara this

Can you see how strange my face is ???...hahahahaaaa....everyone didn't believe if I have high syndrom ...hahaha...until they see me with this face ...hahahahaaaaaa.... Oh my God...subhanallah...I totally scared...I want to give up on 2nd step..but everyone motivate me...and I don't know I jus follow them..."thanks guys!!!". Honeslty, I'm 100% takut banget...I have been pushing to do something that I don't like..but not as I hate as like this... for me walking on the roof this fun at all !!!..
Before I try next game...I can smile for a while...hahahaha

but still end with this ....hahahahaha....look ....can you see my eyes ??..and my mouth ??? do you think what I'm doing ?

After whole game finished, this is the last game...and I love it soooooo much. we carried a glass of water...pake kain parasut....we bring it up to the hill and go back's mission imposible...cause everyone say so...I feel the same thing actually. But we did it.....Subhanallah...I realize no mission imposible in this world...but only " there's a will there's a way " kali ya

Everyone go home with the package..and in final decision my team is the 1st ..HA HA .....allhamdulillah.....


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