Friday, January 18, 2008

11.30.2007..curhat yang tertunda hihihihi.....

Pas lagi beresin folder "my document" ku yang nemuin ini nih...hihihi


Mulai dari hari sabtu…ada costumer baru mesen Bed cover …katanya udah sering bolak-balik ke rumah…she booked 6 BC at once …( honestly, it’s quite good for starter). I said, she can received the B/C by Monday… than the nightmare’s begin


In very limited time, I need to ship the goods on time. Me and my team work very hard to solve this... we push the efficiency …On the other hand, I also need to make sure that I can finish “my BC PO ”

Left the office at 7.30 pm…two bad news …first, we can't ship the goods ...second I can't finished my B/C ( our B/C's sewing operator didn’t come to work…Kiki only can finish some from the total request) …Kiki said that she will finish it tomorrow and we can took the goods by evening as the latest …I inform my lovely costumer than she started shown her im-patience ...they keep calling me…and making me crazy ...

Arrive home at 10.30 pm…I call my costumer and try explain the real problem at 10.45 pm…but ended with big arguments ... I give them another promise .... that the B/C will send by early morning on tuesday…

Honeslty, the arguments make me so so so tired…I fall a sleep at 12.30pm ... after long talk with my hubby…dissucussed about it Hahaha . Hhhmmmm….. I try to cool down my self and keep talking to my self that this is challenge…if I can passed this …I will get something big….


My mom called me at 4.30am…“Apa”, my grand father, got serious sick...he want to meet with all of us…ucan, mami, Obet, Gerald and me…so, I just grab my coat and go. We went there with my mom’s car…with no light…:) ...dangerous… but no choice. Arrived at Apa’s home…I cried…I’m worried about something…something tell me that this is will have bad end…even…waw…Apa looks happy when he saw as arrived together …I even touch his face..mmm…I love him so much…so so so much…and I just pray “…ya Allah…berikan yang terbaik buat kami dan dia…amin”…

I break my own promise...cause I can’t go to my costumers house….:D …

6.00 am we left Apa’s home…me , Ucan and Obet need to go for work. My mommy decided that she will stay longer. Tomorrow is Idul Adha…she need to prepare something there.

Arrive at the office by 7.45am…busy dealing with finishing order for the shipment…it’s done by 15.00pm…allhamdulillah….

And I still left one issue…my issue…I call kiki…and again...the sewing workers still didn’t come to work…my order delay again…and as prediction…I have long talk with my costumer….I tell them that I will send the goods by my self

5.30pm…my mom call me that Apa getting serious..I need to go home earlier and go straight to his home…he need to see the doctor…

Oh God, I need to break my own promise again ...cause still I can’t go to my costumers house….:D …and I can't asked Obet to help ...cause he need to search a goat…for tomorrow qurban…yes today is the last day….

My mommy call me again , informed me that she will took Apa to hospital by her self……

Oh…finally, I can meet with my lovely customer together with obet…end with new order from them …Allhamdulillah…’s 10.00pm…ups sorry..I missed telling you another to story …first, today I lose my office...water break my office roof ...hahahaha… second, I'm walking from my office and use the public transportation to meet my driver at highway to avoid terrible traffic jam caused by flood after very heavy rain

Long story
so much knowledge…Allhamdulillah…Ya Allah thank you for making me more better everyday….Allhamdulillah…

2 days with so many interesting story…and tomorrow I still need to composed the schedule…Allhamdulillah….


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